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  3. What was the worst year of your life and what did you learn from it? : NPR

What was the worst year of your life and what did you learn from it? : NPR


Bu içerik, NPR’in “All Things Considered” programının bir bölümüne katkıda bulunma fırsatı sunmaktadır. 2024’ün sonuna gelinirken geçmişi değerlendirmek ve geleceğe hazırlanmak için bir zaman olduğu vurgulanmaktadır. İnsanların bu yıl karşılaştıkları zorluklara ve bu zorlukları nasıl atlattıklarına odaklanarak öğrendikleri dersleri paylaşmaları istenmektedir. Katılımcılar, çevrimiçi bir anket doldurabilir veya 2 dakikadan az bir ses kaydı gönderebilirler. NPR yapımcıları, seçilen cevapları radyo veya online platformlarda kullanabilir. Katılımın genel Şartlar ve Gizlilik Politikası tarafından yönlendirileceği belirtilmektedir.
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#worst #year #life #learn #NPR

Kaynak: www.npr.org

Katherine Du

We want to hear from you.

Katherine Du/NPR

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Katherine Du/NPR

As 2024 draws to a close it’s a time to reflect on the past and prepare for the future.

Whether it was the loss of a loved one, an unexpected expense or a new job this year has challenged many of us in one way or another. But we also know we’re a resilient bunch and can learn from each other.

All Things Considered wants to hear your stories. What was your worst year ever, how did you get through it, and what did you learn from it?

Let us know in the survey below, or you can attach a voice recording of 2 minutes or less. An NPR producer may reach out to you and your answers could be used on air or online.

Your submission will be governed by our general Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. As the Privacy Policy says, we want you to be aware that there may be circumstances in which the exemptions provided under law for journalistic activities or freedom of expression may override privacy rights you might otherwise have.

What was the worst year of your life and what did you learn from it? : NPR
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