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Trump names Truth Social head as chair of intelligence advisory board | Trump administration


Bu içerikte, eski ABD milletvekili olan ve şu anda Trump’ın Truth Social sosyal medya platformunu yöneten müttefiki Devin Nunes’in, başkanın istihbarat danışma kurulunun başkanı olarak atandığı bilgisi yer almaktadır. Nunes, Trump’ın ilk Beyaz Saray döneminde ABD Temsilciler Meclisi istihbarat komitesini yönetmiş ve Trump’ı uzun süredir savunmuştur. Ayrıca, FBI’ın 2016 başkanlık seçimlerinde Rus müdahalesini soruştururken Trump’a karşı komplo kurduğunu iddia etmiştir. Trump, Nunes’in istihbarat topluluğunun faaliyetlerinin etkinliği ve uygunluğu konusunda bağımsız değerlendirmeler sağlamak için eski istihbarat komitesi başkanı olarak deneyimlerinden faydalanacağını belirtmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra, Trump aynı gün IBM yöneticisi ve eski ABD İç Güvenlik Bakanlığı yetkilisi Troy Edgar’ı bakanlığın yardımcı sekreteri ve iş adamı Bill White’ı ABD’nin Belçika büyükelçisi olarak atadığını duyurmuştur. Edgar, Trump’ın eski baş finans müdürü ve iç güvenlik için yardımcı genel müdür yardımcısıydı. White ise New York City’deki Intrepid Müzesi’nin eski CEO’su, Constellations Group’un mevcut CEO’su ve uzun süredir Trump’ın arkadaşıdır. Trump, Truth Social’de yaptığı bir paylaşımda Edgar’ın 2018’de Los Alamitos, California Belediye Başkanı olduğunu ve 2018’de Şehir ve İlçe’nin Sığınak Şehirlerine karşı isyanını yönetmesine yardımcı olduğunu belirtmiştir.
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#Trump #names #Truth #Social #chair #intelligence #advisory #board #Trump #administration

Kaynak: www.theguardian.com

Donald Trump on Saturday named ally Devin Nunes, a former US lawmaker who now runs Trump’s Truth Social social media platform, to serve as chair of president’s intelligence advisory board.

Nunes, a longtime Trump defender who led the US House of Representatives intelligence committee during part of Trump’s first White House term, will remain Truth Social CEO while serving on the advisory panel, Trump said in a post on the platform.

As committee chair, Nunes alleged that the FBI had conspired against Trump during its investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential elections in which Trump defeated Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

“Devin will draw on his experience as former Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, and his key role in exposing the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, to provide me with independent assessments of the effectiveness and propriety of the U.S. Intelligence Community’s activities,” Trump wrote.

The president’s intelligence advisory board is a White House panel that offers the president independent assessments of intelligence agencies’ effectiveness and planning.

Trump on Saturday also named IBM executive and former US Department of Homeland Security official Troy Edgar to serve as the department’s deputy secretary, and businessman Bill White to serve as the US ambassador to Belgium.

Edgar was Trump’s former chief financial officer and associate deputy undersecretary of management for homeland security. White is the former CEO of the Intrepid Museum in New York City, the current CEO of the Constellations Group and a longtime friend of Trump

In a post on Truth Social, Trump said Edgar was “previously the Mayor of Los Alamitos, California, where he helped me lead the City and County revolt against Sanctuary Cities in 2018”.

Trump names Truth Social head as chair of intelligence advisory board | Trump administration
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