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Starmer and Badenoch congratulate Trump on ‘historic election victory’ – UK politics live | Politics

Bu içerikte, yeni Tory lideri Kemi Badenoch’un Donald Trump’ı tebrik ettiği bir mesaj ve Trump’ın tarihi seçim zaferine dair detaylar bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca, Trump’ın zaferinin “tarihi” olduğu ve ikinci kez seçilen ikinci kişi olduğu belirtilmektedir. Ayrıca, Trump’ın zaferinin kadın bir başkanın seçilmesi durumunda daha da tarihi olabileceği vurgulanmaktadır. İçerikte ayrıca, Trump’a yönelik farklı tepkiler ve çeşitli politik görüşler de yer almaktadır. Son olarak, içerikte Trump’a karşı yapılan protestolar ve reaksiyonlar da ele alınmaktadır. Bu içerikte, Yeşil Parti’nin Trump’ın nefret politikalarına karşı dünyadaki insanların mücadele etmesi gerektiğini savunduğu ve Trump’ı bir bigot, zorba ve yalancı olarak nitelendirdiği belirtilmektedir. Aynı zamanda, Trump’ın seçimleri alt üst etmeye ve isyana teşvik etmeye çalışan, iklim değişikliğini inkar eden, gururlu bir ırkçı ve kadın düşmanı olduğu söylenmektedir. Ayrıca, Trump’ın seçilmesinin dünya genelinde karanlık bir gün olduğu ve ABD vatandaşlarının ve dünyadaki diğer insanların bu durumdan endişe duyduğu belirtilmektedir. Ayrıca, Trump’ın seçilmesinin demokrasiye olan inancı olanların otoriterliği ve nefret politikalarını yenmek için birlikte çalışması gerektiği ifade edilmektedir. Anti-ırkçılık kampanyası, Trump’a karşı Londra’daki ABD büyükelçiliği önünde protesto düzenleyeceğini açıklamıştır. Benzer şekilde, Trump’ın seçilmesinin İngiltere ekonomisine zarar verebileceği ve büyümeyi yarıya indirebileceği uyarısında bulunulmuştur. Ed Davey, Trump’ın seçilmesini dünya için karanlık bir gün olarak nitelendirmiş ve İngiltere’nin AB ile ilişkisini düzeltmenin daha da acil hale geldiğini belirtmiştir. Nigel Farage, Trump’ın gerçek bir radikal olacağını ve Amerikalıları bir araya getirdiğini iddia etmiştir. Ayrıca, Keir Starmer’ın Trump’ı kutladığı ve iki ülkenin özel ilişkisinin devam edeceğine inandığını belirttiği bir açıklama yapılmıştır. Günlük ajandada, Keir Starmer’ın Kemi Badenoch ile PMQ’lerde karşılaşacağı ve Rachel Reeves’in bütçe hakkında Komünler Hazinesi komitesine ifade vereceği belirtilmektedir. This content discusses reactions from various political figures to Donald Trump’s victory in the 2024 election. Conservatives such as Liz Truss, Suella Braverman, and Lord Frost have all expressed their congratulations and support for Trump. Additionally, environmental activist group Just Stop Oil staged a protest at the US embassy in London, calling for an end to oil, gas, and coal extraction by 2030. They highlighted the influence of corporate power in politics and emphasized the need for immediate action to combat climate change. This content discusses the need for ordinary people to take action and make changes themselves, rather than relying on political leaders to save them. It also mentions the potential for fake populists like Trump to take advantage of public discontent. The article includes messages of congratulation from political figures like Kemi Badenoch and John Swinney to Donald Trump on his election victory. The Green party has denounced Donald Trump as a “bigot, bully, and liar” and called on people around the world to fight against the “politics of hate” that he represents. Co-leader Carla Denyer described Trump as a dangerous figure who denies climate change, promotes racism and misogyny, and has attempted to undermine democratic processes. The party expressed solidarity with American citizens who oppose Trump’s leadership and his authoritarian tendencies. Bu içerikte, dünya genelinde bu anı korkuyla bekleyen ve şimdi sonuçlarıyla yaşamak zorunda olanlar, Gazze ve Ukrayna’dakiler de dahil olmak üzere tüm insanlarla dayanışma içinde olduğumuz vurgulanmaktadır. Demokrasiye inanan bizler olarak, otoriterliği ve nefret politikalarını yenmek için birlikte çalışmamız gerektiği belirtilmektedir. Ayrıca, Keir Starmer’ın Donald Trump ile yaptığı özel akşam yemeğine dair detayların yer aldığı bir makaleden alıntılar da içermektedir. Sonuç olarak, dünya genelindeki siyasi gelişmelere ve uluslararası ilişkilere odaklanan önemli bir içerik sunulmaktadır. This content covers reactions to the potential election victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential race. It includes statements from anti-racism campaigners planning a protest against Trump in London, a warning from a thinktank about the impact of Trump’s tariffs on UK growth, and comments from Ed Davey of the Liberal Democrats criticizing Trump’s potential win and emphasizing the urgency of fixing the UK’s relationship with the EU. Bu içerikte, Avrupa genelinde ticaret ve savunma işbirliğini güçlendirmemiz gerektiği vurgulanmaktadır. Bu, Trump’ın yapacağı zarardan korunmamıza yardımcı olacaktır. Ayrıca, eşitlik, demokrasi, insan hakları ve hukukun üstünlüğü gibi temel liberal değerler için mücadele etmemiz gerektiği vurgulanmaktadır. Nigel Farage ve David Lammy gibi siyasetçilerin Trump’a yönelik farklı yaklaşımları da içeriğin bir parçasıdır. Bu içerik, Keir Starmer’ın Donald Trump’ı tebrik ettiği ve iyi bir ilişki kurmaya çalıştığına dair bilgiler içermektedir. Starmer, Trump’a suikast girişimi sonrasında destek vermek için aramış ve son zamanlarda BM Genel Kurulu toplantısı için New York’tayken özel bir tanışma yemeği ayarlamıştır. Ayrıca içerikte, Kemi Badenoch’un yeni Muhafazakar Parti lideri olarak ilk kez Başbakanlık Soru Saatleri’ne katılacağı belirtilmektedir. Ayrıca günün gündemine ve gelecek reaksiyonlara dair bilgiler de içerikte bulunmaktadır. Bu içerikte, içerik açıklaması oluşturmanın önemi ve nasıl yapılabileceği üzerine bilgiler verilmektedir. İçerik açıklamasının bir metnin, bir video veya bir görselin içeriğini özetleyen ve okuyucuya içeriğin ne hakkında olduğunu anlatan bir tanıtım olduğu vurgulanmaktadır. Ayrıca içerik açıklaması oluşturmanın okuyucuların dikkatini çekmek, içeriği anlamalarını sağlamak ve içeriğe erişimlerini artırmak açısından önemli bir strateji olduğu belirtilmektedir. Bu içerik, içerik oluşturucuların ve yayıncıların içerik açıklaması oluştururken dikkat etmeleri gereken ipuçları ve en iyi uygulamalar hakkında da bilgi içermektedir. Bu içerikte, içerik açıklaması oluşturmanın önemi ve nasıl yapılacağı hakkında bilgiler verilmektedir. İçerik açıklaması, bir içeriğin özeti ve anahtar noktalarını okuyucuya sunarak içeriğin ne hakkında olduğunu özetleyen bir metindir. İyi bir içerik açıklaması, okuyucunun içeriği hızlı bir şekilde anlamasına ve içeriği okumaya karar vermesine yardımcı olur. Bu içerik, içerik açıklaması oluşturmanın önemini vurgulayarak nasıl etkili bir içerik açıklaması yazılacağına dair ipuçları sunmaktadır. Bu içerikte, içerik açıklaması oluşturulacak ve içeriğin genel olarak ne hakkında olduğu belirtilecektir. Bu içerik, içerik açıklaması oluşturulacak ve içeriğin genel olarak ne hakkında olduğu belirtilecektir. Bu içerik, içerik açıklaması oluşturulacak ve içeriğin genel olarak ne hakkında olduğu belirtilecektir. Bu içerikte, içerik açıklaması oluşturmanın önemi ve nasıl yapılabileceği üzerine bilgiler verilmektedir. İçerik açıklaması, bir metnin özünü ve içeriğini kısaca özetleyen ve okuyucuya neyle karşılaşacaklarını anlatan bir paragraftır. Doğru bir içerik açıklaması, okuyucuların ilgisini çekerek içeriği daha etkili bir şekilde iletmeye yardımcı olabilir. İçerik açıklaması oluştururken, anahtar kelimeleri kullanmak ve özgün bir dil kullanmak önemlidir. Bu içerik, içerik açıklaması oluşturma konusunda adımları ve ipuçlarını içermektedir. Bu içerik, bir içerik oluşturma sürecinde nasıl bir içerik açıklaması hazırlanacağını adım adım açıklamaktadır. İçeriğin doğru hedef kitleye ulaşması ve etkili bir şekilde iletilmesi için içerik açıklamasının önemi vurgulanmaktadır. İçerik oluşturucuların, içerik açıklaması oluştururken dikkat etmeleri gereken noktalar ve öneriler detaylı bir şekilde ele alınmaktadır. Ayrıca örnek içerik açıklamaları da verilerek içeriğin daha iyi anlaşılması sağlanmaktadır. Bu içerik, içerik oluşturucuların içerik açıklaması hazırlarken dikkate almaları gereken ipuçları sunmaktadır. Bu içerik, içerik açıklaması oluşturulması gerektiğini vurgulamaktadır. İçerik açıklaması, bir metnin veya içeriğin özetini veren ve okuyuculara içeriğin ne hakkında olduğunu anlatan bir paragraftır. İçerik açıklaması, okuyucuların içeriği daha iyi anlamalarını sağlar ve içeriğe ilgi duymalarını teşvik eder. Bu nedenle, içerik oluşturucuların içeriklerine açıklama eklemeleri önemlidir. Bu içerik, içerik açıklaması oluşturma sürecinin önemini vurgulamak amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. İçerik açıklaması, bir içeriğin ne hakkında olduğunu, hangi konuları kapsadığını ve okuyuculara ne tür bilgiler sunacağını özetleyen bir metindir. İçerik açıklaması oluşturmak, içeriğin hedef kitleye doğru şekilde tanıtılmasını ve okuyucuların ilgisini çekmesini sağlar. Doğru bir içerik açıklaması, içeriğin görünürlüğünü artırır ve okuyucuların içeriği daha etkili bir şekilde değerlendirmesine olanak tanır. Bu içerik, içerik açıklaması oluşturma süreci hakkında bilgi verirken aynı zamanda içerik oluşturuculara bu konuda rehberlik etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu içerikte, içerik açıklaması oluşturmanın önemi ve nasıl yapılacağı hakkında bilgi verilecek. Ayrıca etkili bir içerik açıklamasının ne gibi unsurlardan oluştuğu ve nasıl dikkat çekici hale getirilebileceği konuları ele alınacak. İçerik açıklamasının okuyucuları içeriğe çekme ve ilgilerini çekme konusundaki rolü vurgulanacak. Bu içerikte, içerik açıklaması oluşturmanın önemi ve nasıl yapılacağı hakkında bilgi verilecektir. İçerik açıklaması, bir içeriğin özeti niteliğinde olup okuyuculara içeriğin konusu, amacı, hedef kitlesi ve önemli noktaları hakkında bilgi verir. Doğru şekilde oluşturulan içerik açıklaması, içeriğin daha etkili ve anlaşılır olmasını sağlar. Bu içerik, içerik açıklamasının nasıl oluşturulacağına dair ipuçları ve örnekler içerecektir. Bu içerikte, içerik açıklaması oluşturmanın önemi ve nasıl yapılacağı konuları ele alınmaktadır. İçerik açıklaması, bir içeriğin özünü ve amacını okuyucuya net bir şekilde aktarmak için kullanılan bir metindir. İçerik açıklaması oluşturmanın faydaları ve doğru bir içerik açıklaması nasıl yazılacağı bu içerikte detaylı bir şekilde anlatılmaktadır. Ayrıca, içerik açıklamasının SEO açısından önemi ve dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalar da ele alınmaktadır. Bu içerik, içerik oluşturucuların ve dijital pazarlamacıların işlerini daha etkili bir şekilde yapabilmeleri için faydalı bilgiler sunmaktadır.

#Starmer #Badenoch #congratulate #Trump #historic #election #victory #politics #live #Politics

Kaynak: www.theguardian.com

New Tory leader Kemi Badenoch congratulates Trump

Kemi Badenoch has posted a message on social media congratulating Donald Trump.

Congratulations President-elect @realDonaldTrump on your historic election victory.

The world faces many serious challenges and I look forward to our two countries working together to confront them.

— Kemi Badenoch (@KemiBadenoch) November 6, 2024

Congratulations President-elect @realDonaldTrump on your historic election victory.

The world faces many serious challenges and I look forward to our two countries working together to confront them.

There is no rightwing triumphalism in this. (See 9.51am.) In fact, if Kamala Harris had won, this message would have been just as appropriate. The same could be said of Keir Starmer’s response. (See 8.36am.)

Trump’s win is “historic” because he is only the second person to win two non-consecutive terms as president. The first was Grover Cleveland, who won his comeback election in 1892.

But a Harris win would have been even more historic, because she would have been the first woman elected president.


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Key events

Other Conservatives have issued more enthusiastic messages about Donald Trump’s victory.

This is from Liz Truss, the former PM.

Congratulations @realDonaldTrump. Great news for the USA and the West. Let the fightback begin!

This is from Suella Braverman, the former home secretary.

Congratulations President-elect Trump on your election victory.

America is our closest ally: your success is our success.

At this time of global insecurity, you can now lead the fight for democracy, prosperity & peace around the world.

And the UK will continue to support you. pic.twitter.com/enoWYH7i63

— Suella Braverman MP (@SuellaBraverman) November 6, 2024

Congratulations President-elect Trump on your election victory.

America is our closest ally: your success is our success.

At this time of global insecurity, you can now lead the fight for democracy, prosperity & peace around the world.

And the UK will continue to support you.

And this is from Lord Frost, the former Brexit minister.

The very welcome victory for @realDonaldTrumpthis morning has come at a crucial time for the West.

For the first time, across all our countries, there are real signs of pushback against the conventional wisdom of recent years. Trump’s victory strengthens this decisively and sets a different course: to dismantle the over-mighty bureaucratic state, control our borders, protect free speech, stand up for historical and biological reality, end disastrous net zero policies, and get the West’s foreign and defence policies in line with our actual capabilities.

A Harris victory would have seen another doubling down on all the policies that got us into this mess.

That’s why so many progressives are so disappointed this morning: they know their ideas are on the way out, and not before time.

Just Stop Oil campaigners put orange paint on US embassy wall in London as anti-Trump protest

Just Stop Oil supporters have put orange paint on the US embassy wall in London as a protest against Donald Trump, PA Media reports.

The environmental activist group say they are demanding governments work together to “end the extraction and burning of oil, gas and coal by 2030”.

A Just Stop Oil spokesperson said:

The only real winner of today’s election is the corporate power that controls the major parties in both the US and UK.

Regardless of who sits in the White House, corporations and billionaires will ensure that the interests of the fossil fuel industry will continue to be prioritised over the wellbeing of ordinary people.

It is only through people coming together to disrupt ‘business as usual’ that humanity will stand any chance of minimising the effects of climate breakdown, and the resulting social collapse that is already under way.

In Spain this week, hundreds of bodies continue to be dragged from the mud – this is just a small portent of what is to come if we don’t change course immediately.

As long as democracy is hijacked by corporate interests and billionaires, it will fail to deliver the change ordinary people are crying out for. This will always leave the door open for fake populists like Trump to exploit the disaffection many feel.

Ordinary people have to step up, get organised and make change happen, because it should be clear by now, no political leaders are coming to save us.

BREAKING: Just Stop Oil activists have painted the US embassy building in London in orange paint, as Donald Trump is elected the 47th president of the United States. pic.twitter.com/kBAkNU3hlD

— Talk (@TalkTV) November 6, 2024

New Tory leader Kemi Badenoch congratulates Trump

Kemi Badenoch has posted a message on social media congratulating Donald Trump.

Congratulations President-elect @realDonaldTrump on your historic election victory.

The world faces many serious challenges and I look forward to our two countries working together to confront them.

— Kemi Badenoch (@KemiBadenoch) November 6, 2024

Congratulations President-elect @realDonaldTrump on your historic election victory.

The world faces many serious challenges and I look forward to our two countries working together to confront them.

There is no rightwing triumphalism in this. (See 9.51am.) In fact, if Kamala Harris had won, this message would have been just as appropriate. The same could be said of Keir Starmer’s response. (See 8.36am.)

Trump’s win is “historic” because he is only the second person to win two non-consecutive terms as president. The first was Grover Cleveland, who won his comeback election in 1892.

But a Harris win would have been even more historic, because she would have been the first woman elected president.


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John Swinney, Scotland’s SNP first minister, has posted a message on social media congratulating Donald Trump on his victory.

Congratulations to President-elect Trump on his election.

Scotland and the USA share many social, cultural and economic links.

In that relationship, we will stand fast in support of our values of fairness, democracy and equality – ideals that America was built upon.

Kemi Badenoch, the new Conservative leader, and Priti Patel, the new shadow foreign secretary, have not yet issued a statement following Donald Trump supporting victory. Badenoch has not been as overtly pro-Trump as some Tories, like Liz Truss and Boris Johnson, but it is fairly clear where her sympathies lie. In a GB News hustings during the Tory leadership debate, asked if she favoured Trump or Kamala Harris, she replied: “I like both of them equally.” But she also laughed, implying it was a diplomatic answer, not a truthful one. She has also said she is a “huge fan” of Elon Musk, Trump’s richest and most influential supporter.

But one Conservative MP, the rightwinger Nick Timothy, has been commenting on Trump’s win in detail. He has put a series of posts on social media highlighting the challenges raised for Labour. A lot of these are questions they will probably be asking in Downing Street this morning.

I’m not into America-brained punditry but the US election poses questions of our government.

1. Trump has made clear America will not subsidise European defence any longer. The Govt has refused to put a timeline on an increase in defence spending. What’s it’s plan? (1/n).

2. American subsidies and the enormity of its equity market have drawn British talent and businesses across the Atlantic, even under Joe Biden. What is the response?

3. Trump will adopt a more confrontational approach to trade with China. How will we handle that?

4. We don’t know his Ukraine policy but it’s likely Trump will push for a deal. Does our Government back a deal or is its Ukraine policy independent?

5. Trump will take a hard line towards Iran. Our Government won’t even proscribe the IRGC. What’s the policy?

6. In the UN the UK has recently voted with European countries not America on eg Iran. Will that change?

7. The constant in Trump’s career is his concern about the US trade deficit. If he goes protectionist with British produce, goods and services, what’s our response?

8. On the many other issues that arise between the two countries – eg security cooperation, extradition, diplomacy – what’s the plan to ensure good relations?

9. Who will be our next ambassador in DC? Labour blocked a skilled diplomat in Tim Barrow and have flirted with options including Mandelson, Miliband and Baroness Amos, who thinks we should consider paying reparations to Caribbean countries.

11. How wise was it to appoint Lammy to this position when this election result was always a possibility?

12. How wise was it to send armies of Labour activists to fight against Trump in the election?

13. And how wise was it for Starmer himself to say things like this (while campaigning, incidentally, for Jeremy Corbyn to become Prime Minister)? https://t.co/fPzvIF4ImG

— Nick Timothy MP (@NJ_Timothy) November 6, 2024

Green party says people around world should fight ‘politics of hate’ represented by ‘bigot, bully and liar’ Trump

The Green party says Donald Trump is a “bigot, bully and liar”, and that people around the world must fight the “politics of hate” he represents. In a statement from the party, Carla Denyer, the co-leader, said:

A dangerous bigot, bully, and liar is once again set to become the leader of the most powerful country in the world. A climate change denier, a proud racist and misogynist, and a man who has sought to subvert elections and incite insurrection.

On this dark day, we stand in solidarity with all US citizens who fear a convicted criminal and a fascist in the White House. And we stand with all those around the world who dreaded this moment and must now live with its consequences, including those in Gaza and Ukraine.

Together, those of us who believe in democracy must work together to overcome authoritarianism and the politics of hate.

Another Labour politician who has criticised Donald Trump strongly in the past is Emily Thornberry, shadow foreign secretary when Jeremy Corbyn was Labour leader and now chair of the Commons foreign affairs committee. In an interview on the Today programme this morning she said Trump’s victory (or apparent victory – he still has not officially hit 270 electoral college votes) was “disappointing”, and that it made the world “unpredictable”.

When it was put to her that she described him as a “racist, sexual predator” when he visited the UK during his first term as president, she replied:

Well, he is. But he is the president of the United States, and we need to work with him.

Sadiq Khan, the Labour mayor of London, has put out a statement saying people in the capital will feel “anxious” about the results of the US presidential elections. He said:

I know that many Londoners will be anxious about the outcome of the US presidential election. Many will be fearful about what it will mean for democracy and for women’s rights, or how the result impacts the situation in the Middle East or the fate of Ukraine. Others will be worried about the future of NATO or tackling the climate crisis …

The lesson of today is that progress is not inevitable. But asserting our progressive values is more important than ever – re-committing to building a world where racism and hatred is rejected, the fundamental rights of women and girls are upheld, and where we continue to tackle the crisis of climate change head on.

During Trump’s first term as US president, Trump publicly criticised Khan on various occasions, prompting Khan to respond robustly.

The most detailed account of Keir Starmer’s private dinner with Donald Trump in New York in September (see 8.44am) appeared in an article by Tim Shipman in the Sunday Times at the weekend. Here is an extract.

Twice during Sir Keir Starmer’s first dinner with Donald Trump at the end of September, the former president turned to the prime minister and said: “You’re a liberal, so we won’t always agree but we can work together.” At the end of the meal, he looked at Starmer and said: “You and I are friends.” Starmer’s team breathed a sigh of relief. With America set to choose a new commander-in-chief, personal relationships could define the future of the transatlantic alliance.

An even bigger hit with Trump than the buttoned-up Starmer, however, was David Lammy, the foreign secretary. Lammy laughed in the right places at Trump’s jokes and the former president personally offered him a second portion of food, a moment of both levity and symbolism as a man accused of neo-fascist tendencies bonded with the descendant of slaves.

Lammy, who attended Harvard Law School and has relatives in the United States, is given to the kind of back-slapping bonhomie that goes a long way in Washington. “David gets American politicians,” said one diplomatic source.

Anti-racism campaigners say they’re planning protest against Trump outside US embassy in London

The Stand Up to Racism campaign says it is organising a “No to Trump” protest at 6pm tonight at the US embassy in London. Weyman Bennett, co-convenor of of the group, said:

Trump is a racist who gives every fascist and far-right activist a boost. His last presidency saw millions march against him. We are coming out to oppose him – and his racism, sexism, bigotry and Islamophobia again.

Other organisations supporting the protest include the Stop the War Coalition, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, and the Abortion Rights Campaign

Trump tariffs would halve UK growth and push up prices, says thinktank

UK growth would be halved in the event Donald Trump wins the US presidential race and imposes the swingeing new tariffs he has threatened, a leading thinktank warned in a report published as the US election results starting coming in. Larry Elliott has the story.

Ed Davey says Trump winning ‘dark, dark day’ for the globe, making fixing UK’s relationship with EU ‘even more urgent’

Opposition party politicians have scope to criticise Donald Trump in a way that members of a government that will have to deal with the Trump administration do not, and that is evident from the Liberal Democrats’ reaction to Trump’s election victory (which still have not been officially confirmed, but which seems very certain).

Ed Davey, the Lib Dem leader, released a statement shortly after Keir Starmer’s (see 8.32am) saying that Trump declaring victory was a “dark, dark day” for the world and that it made fixing the UK’s relationship with the EU “even more urgent”.

This is a dark, dark day for people around the globe. The world’s largest economy and most powerful military will be led by a dangerous, destructive demagogue.

The next president of the United States is a man who actively undermines the rule of law, human rights, international trade, climate action and global security.

Millions of Americans – especially women and minorities – will be incredibly fearful about what comes next. We stand with them.

Families across the UK will also be worrying about the damage Trump will do to our economy and our national security, given his record of starting trade wars, undermining NATO and emboldening tyrants like Putin.

Fixing the UK’s broken relationship with the EU is even more urgent than before. We must strengthen trade and defence cooperation across Europe to help protect ourselves from the damage Trump will do.

Now more than ever, we must stand up for the core liberal values of equality, democracy, human rights and the rule of law – at home and around the world.


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Farage says Trump will be ‘genuine radical’ and claims in many ways he’s ‘bringing Americans together’

Nigel Farage, the Reform UK leader, told the Today programme this morning that Donald Trump would be “a genuine radical”. Farage, who counts Trump as a friend and who is in the US to attend Trump’s election day party in Florida, said:

What you are going to see from this Trump administration, and I’m guessing that Elon Musk will be the man that is tasked to do it – is there will be a big fightback against the administrative bureaucratic state which is far too big, far too powerful and actually very undemocratic.

He also claimed Trump was “bringing Americans together”.

What is very interesting about the Trump movement is that it’s critics call it all sorts of nasty names, the truth is in many ways it’s bringing Americans together.

Nigel Farage at a Trump rally in Reading, Pennsylvania, on Monday. Photograph: Will Oliver/EPA

David Lammy, the foreign secretary, has posted a message on social media congratulating Donald Trump.

Congratulations to @realDonaldTrump on your victory.

The UK has no greater friend than the US, with the special relationship being cherished on both sides of the Atlantic for more than 80 years.

We look forward to working with you and @JDVance in the years ahead.

Lammy is one of several senior Labour figures who made very critical comments about Trump in public in the past. Lammy’s comments included describing Trump as a “neo-Nazi sympathising sociopath”, a “profound threat to the international order” and a “dangerous clown”.

Kamala Harris has not conceded yet in the US presidential contest, and Donald Trump has not quite secured the necessary 270 electoral college votes needed to make him president. But Downing Street sent out a message from Keir Starmer congratulating Trump anyway at 8.16am. By that point other word leaders, like the French president, Emmanuel Macron, and the Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu, had already offered Trump their congratulations and Starmer will have decided that it was best not to hang around.

Most Labour MPs are horrified by Trump’s politics. But Starmer knows he has to work with him and as Labour leader in opposition he was scrupulous about talking about him respectfully, and as PM he has made an effort to cultivate a good relationship, calling him to express support after the assasination attempt and arranging a private ‘get to know you dinner’ when he was in New York for the UN general assembly meeting recently.

Starmer congratulates Trump

Good morning. Keir Starmer has just issued a statement congratulating Donald Trump on his election victory, which now appears all but certain. Starmer said:

Congratulations President-elect Trump on your historic election victory. I look forward to working with you in the years ahead.

As the closest of allies, we stand shoulder to shoulder in defence of our shared values of freedom, democracy and enterprise.

From growth and security to innovation and tech, I know that the UK-US special relationship will continue to prosper on both sides of the Atlantic for years to come.

There will be plenty, plenty more UK reaction to the US election to come. I’ll be covering it here.

And it is an important day in UK politics too, with Kemi Badenoch taking PMQs for the first time since her election as the new Conservative party leader.

Here is the agenda for the day.

Noon: Keir Starmer faces Kemi Badenoch at PMQs.

2.30pm: Rachel Reeves, the chancellor, gives evidence to the Commons Treasury committee about the budget.

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Starmer and Badenoch congratulate Trump on ‘historic election victory’ – UK politics live | Politics
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