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Shawn Seesahai: Young murderers’ sentence increased


Bu içerikte, 19 yaşındaki Shawn Seesahai’nin 13 Kasım 2023 tarihinde Wolverhampton’da bir machete ile öldürülmesiyle ilgili olarak İngiltere’nin en genç bıçak katillerinin ömür boyu hapis cezalarının artırıldığı hakkında bilgi verilmektedir. Mahkeme, 12 yaşındaki iki çocuğun minimum cezalarını 8.5 yıldan 10 yıla çıkardı. Çocuklar, Shawn Seesahai’yi Stowlawn oyun alanlarında öldürdüklerinde henüz 12 yaşındaydı. Mahkeme kararıyla, çocuklar hali hazırda cezaevinde geçirdikleri süreler nedeniyle dokuz yıl altmış gün arkasında kalacaklar. Bu olay, 1993 yılında 11 yaşındaki Robert Thompson ve Jon Venables’ın suçlu bulunmasından bu yana İngiltere’de cinayetten mahkum edilen en genç sanıklar olduklarına inanılmaktadır. Shawn Seesahai, Anguilla doğumlu olup, öldürüldüğünde Birmingham’da yaşıyordu. Olay sırasında kafatası kırıldı ve yaralardan biri 23 cm derinliğindeydi. Ailesi, onun ne kadar korkmuş olabileceği düşüncesiyle kabuslarla sardıklarını belirtti. İki çocuk, machete ile dört yara açtıklarını birbirlerine atfetse de, cinayet suçundan oy birliğiyle mahkum edildiler. Mahkeme, çocukların korunması gerektiğine karar vererek, kimliklerini koruma altına aldı. Yasal bir temsilci, mahkeme kararının “önemli ölçüde çok kısa” olduğunu belirterek cezaların yeniden gözden geçirilmesini talep etti. Mahkemede yapılan açıklamalarda, BGI’nın “son derece savunmasız” olduğu ve saldırıdan yaklaşık bir ay önce arkadaşından 40 sterline bir cinayet silahı aldığını itiraf ettiği belirtildi. Diğer sanık, CMB ise ailesiyle sevgi dolu bir ilişkiye sahipti ve daha önce polis tarafından tanınmıyordu. Mahkeme, saldırının önceden planlanmadığı ve sanıkların yaşları gibi hafifletici faktörlerin olduğunu belirterek minimum ceza sürelerine karar verdi. Ancak, yasal temsilci, mahkemenin hafifletici sebepler için “önemli ölçüde fazla ölçüde” ceza verdiğini iddia etti. Her iki çocuk da ayrı tesislerden video bağlantısıyla duruşmaya katıldı.
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#Shawn #Seesahai #Young #murderers #sentence #increased

Kaynak: www.bbc.com

Family Handout A close-up of a young man's face. He has dark hair and eyebrows and a sparse moustache and goatee beard. He is outside, surrounded by palm trees and low shrubs. A white wall and gates can be seen in the background.Family Handout

Shawn Seesahai, 19, was fatally stabbed with a machete in Wolverhampton on 13 November 2023

The UK’s youngest knife murderers have had the minimum terms of their life sentences increased for the killing of Shawn Seesahai.

The ruling at the Court of Appeal increased the minimum terms of the two 13-year-old boys from eight-and-a-half years to 10 years.

The children, known only as BGI and CMB, were 12 when they murdered the 19-year-old on November 13 last year on Stowlawn playing fields, Wolverhampton.

Mr Seesahai was stabbed through the heart and lungs with a machete and died at the scene.

The Solicitor General had referred their sentences to the Court of Appeal under the Unduly Lenient Sentence scheme (ULS), which allows sentences to be reconsidered if government law officers consider them too short.

At a hearing on Thursday, government lawyers said the sentences should be increased, stating it was a “particularly serious type of case”.

The ruling, by three senior judges, means they will spend nine years and 60 days behind bars because of time already served.

Lord Justice William Davis, sitting with Mr Justice Bennathan and Judge Nicholas Dean KC, said: “We have, with some reluctance and sadness, come to the conclusion that the minimum terms imposed by Mrs Justice Tipples were unduly lenient.”

The judge added full written reasons for the decision would be given later on Thursday.

The boys are believed to be the youngest defendants convicted of murder in the UK since 11-year-olds Robert Thompson and Jon Venables were found guilty of killing two-year-old James Bulger in 1993.

Family Handout A young man with dark hair and eyebrows, a sparse moustache and goatee beard. He is wearing a maroon short-sleeved shirt and standing in front of a stone wall.Family Handout

Mr Seesahai, originally from Anguilla, was living in Birmingham at the time of his killing

Anguilla-born Mr Seesahai had been living in Birmingham at the time of his killing.

His skull was fractured during the attack and one of his wounds was 23cm (9 inches) deep, nearly passing through his body.

In a victim impact statement, read at the killers’ sentencing hearing, his family said they were haunted by thoughts of how scared he must have been.

They described his murder as tragic, unexpected and senseless, and committed “for no reason at all”.

The two boys were convicted at Nottingham Crown Court in September.

Both blamed the other for inflicting four wounds with the machete, but were unanimously convicted of murder.

The judge at their trial, Mrs Justice Tipples, ruled the defendants should be protected by anonymity orders, saying their welfare outweighed the wider public interest in open justice and unrestricted reporting.

In her sentencing remarks, she said Mr Seeshai had “everything to live for” and described his killing as “horrific and shocking”.

She described BGI as “extremely vulnerable” and said he had admitted buying the murder weapon from a friend for £40 about a month before the attack.

She continued he had been “groomed and exploited” by others and had “very many adverse childhood experiences”.

The second defendant, CMB, had a supportive and loving relationship with his parents and was not previously known to police.

Explaining her reasons for the length of the minimum terms, the judge said mitigating factors included the fact the attack was not premeditated, and the defendants’ age.

However, in written submissions to Thursday’s hearing, the Solicitor General told the Court of Appeal the sentences were “significantly too short”.

Paul Jarvis, representing the Solicitor General in court, said the judge “made significantly too much allowance” for mitigation.

Both boys attended the hearing by videolink from separate facilities.

Shawn Seesahai: Young murderers’ sentence increased
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