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  3. Scientists baffled as orcas seem to revive an 80s trend: dead salmon hats | Washington state

Scientists baffled as orcas seem to revive an 80s trend: dead salmon hats | Washington state


Bu içerikte, araştırmacılar orcaların 1980’lerden beri görülmeyen tuhaf bir moda akımını canlandırdığını düşünüyorlar. Washington eyaletindeki bilim insanları, Puget Sound’da en az bir orcanın başında somon balığı dengelediğini gözlemlediler, bu trend “ölü somon şapkası” olarak biliniyor. Bu deniz memelilerinin bu şapkaları sadece derin deniz komşuları için şık görünmek için takmadıkları, aynı zamanda yolculukları sırasında atıştırmak için kullanışlı oldukları düşünülüyor. Bilim insanları, bu tuhaf fenomenin ilk kez 1987’de belgelendiğini ve kasım ayı itibariyle tekrar ortaya çıktığını belirtiyorlar. Araştırmacılar, bu ani yeniden canlanmanın nedenini hala anlamaya çalışıyorlar. Somon şapkalarının belirli deniz alanlarında yiyecek seçeneklerinin az olmasını gidermek için bir yol olabileceği veya bu yıl bölgede normalden fazla somon olmasına bir tepki olarak oynak bir davranış olabileceği speküle ediliyor. Orcaların yemek konusunda zeki oldukları bilinmesine rağmen, hatta sağlıklı somon erişimine sahip olsalar bile, bu seçici türün soyunun tükenme tehdidinden kurtulamadığı vurgulanıyor.
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#Scientists #baffled #orcas #revive #80s #trend #dead #salmon #hats #Washington #state

Kaynak: www.theguardian.com

Researchers suspect that orcas may be reviving a peculiar fashion statement of sorts not seen since the 1980s.

Scientists in Washington state have observed at least one orca balancing salmon on its head, a trend known as the “dead salmon hat”. They spotted the stylish killer whale this autumn in Puget Sound.

It is likely that these marine mammals are not just sporting these hats to look chic for their deep-sea neighbors. These fishy accessories are multipurpose, allowing the wearers to enjoy a snack as they travel along on their oceanic journey.

The strange phenomenon was first documented in 1987, when a female orca was observed to be wearing a salmon hat for nearly the duration of that year. Within a few weeks, two other orcas, creatures known for being highly intelligent and social, began to adopt her unique fashion.

Yet the trend seemed to disappear just as suddenly as it had appeared – as the salmon hats already seemed to be out of fashion by 1988.

But as all fashion is cyclical, the accessories have seemingly made a comeback as of November. A 32-year-old male orca known as J27 Blackberry was photographed flaunting the same salmon hat trend at Point No Point, Washington, just off Whidbey Island in Puget Sound.

Researchers are still baffled by the abrupt resurgence.

“Honestly, we have no idea why this started again, why it happens or why it seems to be started again,” Deborah Giles, a researcher heading the team at Wild Orca, told New Scientist.

Scientists speculate that the salmon hats may be a way to combat a lack of food options in certain areas of the sea in the same way that hikers might bring snacks with them on a long trek.

It could also possibly be some sort of playful behavior in reaction to a larger than usual number of salmon in the region this year. If an orca has gorged on salmon until they’re satisfied, they may be choosing to store the leftovers on their head for later because the fish are too tiny and slippery to hold under their fins.

Orcas have a reputation for being clever when it comes to their meals, but even a healthy access to salmon has not prevented the discerning species from the threat of extinction.

Scientists baffled as orcas seem to revive an 80s trend: dead salmon hats | Washington state
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