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Finding one trillion dollars at Cop29 – podcast | Cop29


Bu içerik, Azerbaycan’ı petrol ve gaz üzerine inşa edilmiş bir ekonomiye sahip bir petrodevlet olarak tanımlıyor. Azerbaycan, Birleşmiş Milletler iklim konferansı olan Cop29’u ev sahipliği yapıyor. Bu seçim tartışmalı olsa da, bu yılın zirvesinde umut bulunabilir mi sorusuna odaklanıyor. Cop29’un ana hedefi, zengin ülkelerin gelişmekte olan ülkelere iklim finansmanı enjekte etmeyi kabul etmeleridir. Ülkeler, iklim krizinin yıkıcı etkileriyle mücadele etmek için finans konusunda anlaşmaya varacak mıdır? Güvenliğin sağlanması gereken $1tn’lık bir miktar belirlenmiştir ve bu konuda anlaşma sağlanıp sağlanamayacağı tartışma konusudur.

#Finding #trillion #dollars #Cop29 #podcast #Cop29

Kaynak: www.theguardian.com

Azerbaijan, a petrostate with an economy built on oil and gas, is hosting Cop29, the United Nations climate conference. It’s a controversial choice, but is there hope to be found at this year’s summit?

The main objective of Cop29 is getting richer nations to agree to inject climate finance into developing countries. “Everyone’s focus is on $1tn [£774bn],” the Guardian’s environment editor, Damian Carrington, tells Helen Pidd. “Which sounds like a crazy big number. Personally, actually, I think it’s a bargain.

“Lost lives, destroyed livelihoods, damaged homes, businesses, farms disappearing and all the rest of it. The impact of all of that, particularly in monetary terms, will be way, way bigger than the amount of money that it would require to avoid that.”

Will countries reach a deal on finance to combat the devastating impact of the climate crisis?

“It requires everybody to act in concert, and trying to do that among the world’s 200 or so countries, or with their different political systems and goals and aspirations and rivalries and so on – is really tough,” says Carrington.

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A man walks past an installation with the Cop29 logo
Photograph: Aziz Karimov/Reuters

Finding one trillion dollars at Cop29 – podcast | Cop29
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