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  3. California Democrat Adam Gray unseats Republican as last House race decided | US elections 2024

California Democrat Adam Gray unseats Republican as last House race decided | US elections 2024


Bu içerikte, Demokrat Adam Gray’in California’nın 13. kongre bölgesini kazandığı ve Cumhuriyetçi John Duarte’yi mağlup ettiği 2024 seçimlerinde sonuçlanan son ABD Temsilciler Meclisi yarışı hakkında bilgi verilmektedir. Gray’in kazanmasıyla Cumhuriyetçiler bu seçim döneminde 220 Temsilciler Meclisi koltuğunu kazanırken, Demokratlar 215 koltuğa sahip oldu. Gray’in zaferi, seçim yetkililerinin tüm oyların sayıldığını açıkladığı Salı günü, 200’den az bir farkla gerçekleşti. Duarte, 2022’de Gray’i 564 oy farkla yenerek koltuğu kazanmıştı. Her iki aday da kampanya sürecinde uzlaşmacı kimliklerini vurguladı. Gray, eski bir yasama görevlisi olarak eyalet su yönetimini eleştirdi ve su ve tarımı önceliklerinin en üst sırasına koydu. Diğer yandan Duarte ise işadamı ve büyük bir üzüm ve badem çiftçisi olarak önceliklerinin enflasyonu kontrol altına almak, su tedariklerini güvence altına almak ve suç oranlarını azaltmak olduğunu belirtti. Bölgedeki büyük bir Latin nüfusu bulunmasına rağmen, genellikle oy kullananlar beyaz, yaşlı, daha zengin ev sahipleri olmaktadır. Çalışan sınıf seçmenler, birçok Latinoyu içeren, sandığa gitme konusunda daha az tutarlı davranmaktadır.
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#California #Democrat #Adam #Gray #unseats #Republican #House #race #decided #elections

Kaynak: www.theguardian.com

Democrat Adam Gray captured California’s 13th congressional district on Tuesday, unseating Republican John Duarte in the final US House contest to be decided in the 2024 elections.

Gray’s win in the farm belt seat that cuts through five counties means Republicans won 220 House seats this election cycle, with Democrats holding 215 seats.

Gray won by a margin of fewer than 200 votes, with election officials reporting on Tuesday that all ballots had been counted.

Duarte captured the seat in 2022 when he defeated Gray by one of the closest margins in the country, 564 votes. He was often listed among the most vulnerable House Republicans given that narrow margin of victory in a district with a Democratic tilt – about 11 points over registered Republicans.

Gray said in an earlier statement: “We always knew that this race would be as close as they come, and we’re expecting a photo-finish this year, too.”

Duarte told the Turlock Journal he had called Gray to concede, adding “That’s how it goes.”

“I’m a citizen legislator, and I didn’t plan on being in Congress forever,” Duarte told the newspaper, though he didn’t rule out a possible future campaign.

In a tough year for Democrats nationally, the party picked up three GOP-held House seats in California.

Both Gray and Duarte stressed bipartisan credentials during the campaign.

Gray, a former legislator, was critical of state water management and put water and agriculture at the top of his issues list. He also said he wants improvements in infrastructure, renewable energy and education.

Duarte, a businessman and major grape and almond farmer, said his priorities included curbing inflation, crime rates and obtaining adequate water supplies for farmers in the drought-prone state.

There is a large Latino population in the district, similar to other Central Valley seats, but the most likely voters statewide tend to be white, older, more affluent homeowners. Working-class voters, including many Latinos, are less consistent in getting to the polls.

California Democrat Adam Gray unseats Republican as last House race decided | US elections 2024
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