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  3. “Anyone there?” Syrian families search for their missing : NPR

“Anyone there?” Syrian families search for their missing : NPR


This content tells the story of Sarah Abdel Hamid al-Aami, who is searching for her four brothers who disappeared during the Syrian civil war. The article describes the heart-wrenching scenes at Al-Mujtahid Hospital in Damascus, where families search for their missing loved ones among images of tortured bodies. It also highlights the widespread disappearances and human rights abuses under the Assad regime, with thousands of families desperately seeking answers about their missing relatives. The content includes powerful images and descriptions of the search for the disappeared in Syrian prisons and morgues. This content highlights the emotional journey of families searching for their lost loved ones in prison. The families are seen showing pictures of their missing family members and pleading for help and support from international rights organizations. The article also mentions Mouaz Moustafa, the founder of the Syrian Emergency Task Force, who is on a mission to search for Americans, specifically journalist Austin Tice, who was detained in Syria in 2012. The images in the content depict the shattered windows at the Iranian embassy in Damascus and Mouaz Moustafa working with the non-profit Syrian American Task Force. Bu içerik, Mouaz Moustafa’nın Şam’da kayıp insanları aradığı ve bir ipucu aldıktan sonra nerede arayacağını tam olarak belirlemeye çalıştığı hakkındadır. Moustafa, Suriye Amerikan Görev Gücü adlı kar amacı gütmeyen bir kuruluşla çalışmaktadır. Şehrin karanlığında Moustafa’nın van’ı, yeni Suriye bayrağı ve “Özgür Suriye” yazılı dijital reklam panolarıyla aydınlatılmış başkentte dolaşmaktadır. Aracı, şimdi Şam’ın kontrolünde olan isyancıların hava kuvvetleri istihbarat binasını koruduğu beton bariyerlerde durur. İçeride, Moustafa ve isyancılar aramalarına başlarlar. Elektrik olmadığı için telefonlarının fenerlerini terk edilmiş ofislerde kullanarak dosyalara göz atarlar. Moustafa, bir kutudan parçalanmış kağıtları çıkarır ve parçaları bir araya getirmeye çalışır. “Tutuklularla ilgili herhangi bir şey arıyorum,” diyor. “İğne yuvasında aramak gibi, absürt.” Kilitli bir kapıya vurur. “Orada kimse var mı?” diye İngilizce bağırır. Bu içerik, Suriye’deki bir eski Hava Kuvvetleri İstihbarat binasındaki dehşet verici koşulları ve işkence yöntemlerini anlatmaktadır. İçerikte, Esad ailesine karşı isyan edenlerin rejimle olan mücadelesine dair detaylar ve binada bulunan asit havuzlarıyla ilgili bilgiler yer almaktadır. Ayrıca, içerikte bulunan görseller, binanın içindeki korkunç koşulları görselleştirerek okuyuculara aktarmaktadır. The content describes the horrifying conditions at Sednaya prison in Syria, where detainees were thrown into a pit of acid to die. Moustafa recounts the atrocities committed at the prison, including the discovery of a lone prisoner in a cement cell. The article also mentions the Quran scrawled on the walls and the etched calendars marking each passing day. The rebels who liberated some of the prisoners share their experiences, shedding light on the inhumane treatment at the facility. The story is accompanied by images captured by Claire Harbage for NPR. Bu içerik, Suriye’de Sednaya hapishanesinde 4 yıl hapis yatan Mohamed Sahlan’ın hikayesini anlatmaktadır. Sahlan, Güneybatı Suriye’den başkent Şam’a giden yolda bir kontrol noktasında tutuklandı ve Sednaya hapishanesine götürüldü. Burada insan hakları ihlalleri ve işkenceye maruz kaldı. Sonunda birkaç gün önce hapishaneden kaçmayı başardı. Hikayesinde, hapishane koşullarını ve yaşadığı zorlukları anlatıyor. Ayrıca, ailesini ve özellikle kızını görmeyi umduğunu dile getiriyor. Sahlan’ın kızının adının Sham olduğunu ve onunla yeniden bir araya gelme umudunu taşıdığını belirtiyor.

This content discusses the story of Mazen Hamada, a Syrian activist who was known for exposing the torture inside Syria’s prisons. After being released from detention, he was granted asylum in Europe but decided to return to Syria in 2020 and was detained immediately. His family and friends later learned that he was killed, likely in the final days of Assad’s rule. The content also includes images of people searching through handwritten notes and log books at Sednaya prison, as well as mourners holding up Mazen al-Hamada’s coffin during a funeral procession in Damascus.

Bu içerikte, Al-Hamada’nın Esad rejimi tarafından şiddetli bir şekilde işkence gördüğü anlatılıyor. Al-Hamada’nın cenaze töreninde yüzlerce kişi tarafından yüksek sesle yas tutulduğu ve yeni Suriye bayrağıyla sarılmış halde kalabalığın üzerinde taşındığı belirtiliyor. Al-Hamada’nın ölümünün sembolik bir cenaze töreni olduğu ve diğer kayıp veya öldürülen kişilerin isimlerinin ve fotoğraflarının insanlar tarafından taşındığı vurgulanıyor. Aynı zamanda, uzun yıllar politik tutsaklık yaşamış bir kişinin, artık özgür olduğu ve böyle bir günün hayalini kurmamış olduğu ifade ediliyor. Esad rejimine karşı birlik ve dayanışma çağrısı yapıldığı ve Hamada’nın sadece bir sembol olduğu belirtiliyor. Aynı zamanda, işkence gören diğer insanların hatırlanması ve anılması gerektiği vurgulanıyor. Bu içerik, içerik açıklaması oluşturma konusunda bir yapay zeka asistanının nasıl yardımcı olabileceğini açıklamaktadır. İçeriğin amacı, kullanıcıların ihtiyaçlarına uygun ve özgün içerik açıklamaları oluşturmalarına yardımcı olmaktır. Yapay zeka asistanları, metin analizi ve doğal dil işleme tekniklerini kullanarak kullanıcıların gereksinimlerine uygun açıklayıcı ve etkili içerik açıklamaları oluşturabilirler. Bu sayede kullanıcılar, hedef kitlelerine hitap eden ve dikkat çekici içerik açıklamaları oluşturarak daha fazla etkileşim ve dönüşüm elde edebilirler. Bu içerik, içerik açıklaması oluşturma konusunda yapay zeka tarafından oluşturulmuştur. İçeriğin konusu belirtilmemiştir, bu nedenle genel bir açıklama yapılmıştır. İçeriğin detaylarına göre daha spesifik bir açıklama oluşturulabilir. Bu içerikte, içerik açıklaması oluşturulması gereken bir metin bulunmaktadır. İçeriğin konusu belirtilmemiş olsa da, içeriğin özeti ve ana fikri hakkında bilgi verilerek okuyucuların içeriği daha iyi anlamaları sağlanmalıdır. İçeriğin ne hakkında olduğu, hangi konuları ele aldığı ve hangi bilgileri içerdiği gibi detaylar açıklanmalıdır. Ayrıca içeriğin amacı ve okuyuculara sağladığı faydalar da vurgulanmalıdır. Bu sayede okuyucuların içeriği daha ilgi çekici bulmaları ve içeriği daha iyi anlamaları sağlanabilir. Bu içerik, içerik açıklaması oluşturma konusunda bir yapay zekâ asistanının nasıl kullanılabileceği hakkında bilgi vermektedir. Yapay zekâ asistanları, metinleri analiz ederek hızlı ve etkili bir şekilde içerik açıklamaları oluşturabilirler. Bu yazıda, yapay zekânın içerik açıklamaları oluştururken nasıl yardımcı olabileceği ve bu sürecin işleyişi hakkında detaylı bilgiler yer almaktadır.
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#Syrian #families #search #missing #NPR

Kaynak: www.npr.org

Sarah Abdel Hamid al-Aami holds photos of her 4 brothers who were all accused of terrorism under the Assad regime, and though she came to search posters of dead bodies, she still hasn't found any signs of them.

Sarah Abdel Hamid al-Aami holds photos of her 4 brothers who were all accused of terrorism under the Assad regime, and though she came to search posters of dead bodies, she still hasn’t found any signs of them.

Claire Harbage/NPR

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Claire Harbage/NPR

Warning: This article contains descriptions of torture.

DAMASCUS, Syria – Photographs of tortured and broken bodies are taped to the outside walls of Al-Mujtahid Hospital in central Damascus.

Every day, since the fall of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, a crowd of mothers, sisters, fathers, brothers gather here to examine this wall of terror. They look closely at the bruised corpses with bashed in heads, the gaunt faces with no eyes, the close ups of tattoos and birthmarks to see if any of them belong to their loved ones who disappeared into Syria’s notorious prison system during the 13-year civil war.

At the front, a young woman with a high bun scours every feature on every image. Sarah Abdel Hamid Al-A’ami is searching for her four brothers who were snatched on their way to work by government forces years ago on what she says were bogus accusations of terrorism.

Finally the 23-year-old turns away from the wall and begins to cry.

“I didn’t find my brothers. I didn’t find them,” she cries out. “I swear they didn’t do anything.”

Her grief quickly gives way to anger.

“They killed our children. I want blood for blood, I want soul for soul,” she screams.

She is one of tens of thousands desperately searching for clues to whether their loved ones may be found dead or alive.

Under Assad’s long and oppressive rule even the slightest criticism could land a citizen in prison. Since the uprising against his regime began in 2011, some 157,000 people disappeared into Syria’s prisons and other government facilities according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Families like Al-A’ami’s are coming from across the country to look for their missing at prisons, hospitals and morgues. They’re leafing through abandoned prison ledgers, they’re posting missing fliers on the streets of Damascus.

People look in holes in the floor of a room in Sednaya prison. Documents are strewn across the floor. Many families are coming to the prison to look for lost loved ones.

People look in holes in the floor of a room in Sednaya prison. Documents are strewn across the floor. Many families are coming to the prison to look for lost loved ones.

Claire Harbage/NPR

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Claire Harbage/NPR

As Al-A’ami pulls out pictures of her four brothers — Abdullah, Ibrahim, Ahmed and Mohammed — others crowd around her and do the same.

A mother holds up a picture of her son, another reaches over Al-A’ami’s shoulder with a picture of her child’s ID in her hand. They beg for help from the outside world, for international rights organizations to come and aid in their search, to forensically document the torture and abuse prisoners endured.

Shattered windows at the Iranian embassy in Damascus. A ll over the city are signs of the changes happening in Syria.

Shattered windows at the Iranian embassy in Damascus. A ll over the city are signs of the changes happening in Syria.

Claire Harbage/NPR

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Claire Harbage/NPR

Searching for Americans

Mouaz Moustafa, the founder of the human rights and aid organization Syrian Emergency Task Force, is on a mission to look for Americans.

On a recent night, the Syrian American activist is in a hurry to get on the road.

“We have a tip that Austin may be in this building. We believe that he may be in the basement,” he says.

He’s referring to the journalist Austin Tice who was detained in Syria in 2012. Authorities believe he was held by the regime.

Mouaz Moustafa works with the non-profit Syrian American Task Force. He's searching for missing people in Damascus, and after getting a tip is trying to figure out where exactly to look.

Mouaz Moustafa works with the non-profit Syrian American Task Force. He’s searching for missing people in Damascus, and after getting a tip is trying to figure out where exactly to look.

Claire Harbage/NPR

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Claire Harbage/NPR

In the dark of night, Moustafa’s van weaves through the capital where digital billboards light up with the new Syrian flag and the words “Syria Free.”

The vehicle stops at concrete barriers where rebels, now in control of Damascus, guard an air force intelligence building.

Inside, Moustafa and the rebels begin their search.

With no electricity they use the flashlights on their phones to look through abandoned offices and rifle through files.

Moustafa sifts through shredded documents he finds in the former Air Force Intelligence building in Damascus.

Moustafa sifts through shredded documents he finds in the former Air Force Intelligence building in Damascus.

Claire Harbage/NPR

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Claire Harbage/NPR

Moustafa pulls strips of shredded paper from a bin and tries to piece the strips together.

“I’m looking for anything about detainees,” he says. “It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack though, it’s ridiculous.”

He bangs on a locked door.

“Anyone there?” he yells out in English. His question is met with silence.

Whenever he or the rebels see a portrait of Bashar al-Assad or his late father Hafez al-Assad they tear it down.

A picture of Assad lies shattered on the floor of the the former Air Force Intelligence building in Damascus.

A picture of Assad lies shattered on the floor of the the former Air Force Intelligence building in Damascus.

Claire Harbage/NPR

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Claire Harbage/NPR

They step on the glass of framed portraits that have been ripped from the walls.

On one floor of the building a directive is framed and hung in the entryway. It warns employees not to talk to anyone from international organizations or from outside the country. If someone does get in touch, the memo says, report it to the higher ups.

In the basement there are two rooms, both with stairs that disappear into brown liquid.

“It’s a pool of acid,” Moustafa declares. “That’s where they threw people.”

It’s not a claim NPR can verify.

A bed frame sits in a dark room with a brown liquid covering the floor. Moustafa says its a pit of acid where detainees where thrown to die.

A bed frame sits in a dark room with a brown liquid covering the floor. Moustafa says its a pit of acid where detainees where thrown to die.

Claire Harbage/NPR

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Claire Harbage/NPR

Down the hall is a row of metal black doors that open to windowless cells. The cold dark rooms are now empty, but the walls are full.

A single mattress lies in a cement cell where Moustafa says a lone prisoner was recently discovered.

A single mattress lies in a cement cell where Moustafa says a lone prisoner was recently discovered.

Claire Harbage/NPR

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Claire Harbage/NPR

In one, the Quran is scrawled in tiny lettering so it will fit on the walls.

In the others, the prisoners have etched calendars with every day of the week. Grooves mark each day that’s passed, like someone was counting.

There’s the word mother and a prayer near the once locked exit of one of the cells

“For he who is conscious of God, God will find him a way out.” An arrow points to the door.

When rebels got to this building a few days ago, they say they released a few dozen people held inside.

On this night, it appears there is no one left to find.

But outside the rebels are with a man named Mohamed Sahlan.

Mohamed Sahlan was a prisoner at Sednaya for 4 years. He was detained at a checkpoint on the road from Daraa in southwest Syria to Damascus.

Mohamed Sahlan was a prisoner at Sednaya for 4 years. He was detained at a checkpoint on the road from Daraa in southwest Syria to Damascus.

Claire Harbage/NPR

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Claire Harbage/NPR

He says he walked eight miles from Sednaya Prison, known as “the human slaughterhouse,” on the outskirts of Damascus when the fighters broke them out just a few days ago.

Four years ago he was detained at a checkpoint on the road from Daraa in southwest Syria to Damascus. Soldiers found pictures of the revolutionary flag on his phone and accused him of being a terrorist.

“I would never admit to something that’s not true so he punched me right here,” he says.

He points to his missing teeth where he was hit, his side where he was shot. He says every prisoner in Sednaya had a number. His was 711.

People looking for missing family members walk through Sednaya prison, just North of Damascus, where the Assad regime detained and tortured people.

People looking for missing family members walk through Sednaya prison, just North of Damascus, where the Assad regime detained and tortured people.

Claire Harbage/NPR

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Claire Harbage/NPR

There were days the guards would come and call a few of the numbers out.

“These people would stand and he would just shoot them all in front of us.”

It got so bad that Sahlan lost the will to live.

“I wanted to die. Everyone would rather die than be there,” he said.

As families search for their lost, Sahlan hopes he’ll soon be found.

“All I want to do is see my daughter,” he says.

He doesn’t know if she knows he’s alive. When he was detained his phone was taken with the saved numbers it contained and so much has changed. He’d heard his wife and daughter got asylum outside of Syria so being reunited with his child seems impossible.

“Her name is Sham,” he says. “I think she’s in Canada.”

People search through handwritten notes and log books that are strewn around Sednaya prison just North of Damascus. Many are still looking for loved ones who were detained by the Assad regime.

People search through handwritten notes and log books that are strewn around Sednaya prison just North of Damascus. Many are still looking for loved ones who were detained by the Assad regime.

Claire Harbage/NPR

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Claire Harbage/NPR

For some, the search for the disappeared has ended. The lucky ones found their people broken but alive. Others have identified bodies like Mazen Hamada’s.

The activist was known around the world for exposing the torture inside Syria’s prisons. He was jailed multiple times for demonstrating against the regime since the start of the uprising. After his release in 2013 he was granted asylum in Europe.

There he recounted the disturbing details of his detention. The clamp used to crush his genitals, the rape, the electric shock, the beatings that broke his ribs. For reasons that still confuse even his closest friends he decided he had to go back to Syria in 2020. He was detained immediately and never heard from again. Now his family and friends know he was killed, likely in the final days of Assad’s rule.

But his killing wouldn’t be hidden.

Mourners hold up the coffin of Syrian activist Mazen al-Hamada during a funeral procession through Damascus. Al-Hamada was severely tortured during the Assad regime.

Mourners hold up the coffin of Syrian activist Mazen al-Hamada during a funeral procession through Damascus. Al-Hamada was severely tortured during the Assad regime.

Claire Harbage/NPR

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Claire Harbage/NPR

On this day, in an Assad-free Damascus, he is mourned loudly by hundreds in a funeral procession that starts at the hospital where he was identified and ends at his final resting place.

On the side of the roads, the shops are open, and people watch in tears as Hamada’s body is held high above the crowd, draped in the revolutionary flag now the new Syrian flag.

Out of the crowd a man with a mustache, a red baseball cap and a wide smile walks up to us.

“Let me speak to you,” he says.

People hold the new Syrian flag during the funeral procession for SYrian activist Mazen al-Hamada.

People hold the new Syrian flag during the funeral procession for SYrian activist Mazen al-Hamada.

Claire Harbage/NPR

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Claire Harbage/NPR

His name is Abdullah Fadel and he translates books. He was a political prisoner from 1992 through 2000. He describes the way he was tortured with a position Syrians call the “German Chair.” He says his arms and legs were strapped to a chair and then the guards would pull his body back. For some it ended with a snapped spine.

Today that’s over.

“I have never dreamed of having such a day. It’s unbelievable. Beyond my imagination,” he says, looking at the crowd chanting for unity and cursing the Assad regime.

“They want to show that they are one people. They have one aim. One goal,” Fadel says. “This is a symbolic funeral. [Hamada] is a symbol of all the people who died in such a way.”

“Look at the images,” he says and points to the posters people hold above their heads with other faces and names of the missing or killed.

Today they get to be celebrated and mourned. The chants that got Hamada and scores of others killed ring through Damascus.

“Anyone there?” Syrian families search for their missing : NPR
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