Second impeachment motion filed against Philippines VP Duterte | Corruption News
Second impeachment motion filed against Philippines VP Duterte | Corruption News
Bu içerikte, Filipinler’de aktivistlerin eski bir başkanın kızının 11 günde 2 milyon dolar harcadığını ve ‘şüpheli’ harcamaları örtbas etmek için kayıtları manipüle ettiğini iddia ettikleri bir hikaye anlatılmaktadır. Filipinler’deki aktivistler, Başkan Yardımcısı Sara Duterte hakkında yeni bir azil şikayeti sunmuşlardır. Şikayetler, Duterte’nin hükümet fonlarının yanlış kullanımı nedeniyle görevden alınmasını talep etmektedir. Duterte’nin babası eski Başkan Rodrigo Duterte’nin kızı olan 46 yaşındaki bir avukata karşı yapılan bu ikinci şikayettir. Şikayetler arasında, Duterte’nin son zamanlarda Başkan Ferdinand Marcos Jr’ya yönelik yaptığı ölüm tehdidi de yer almaktadır. Azil şikayetleri, Senato’da olası bir azil duruşması öncesinde Marcos ve onun kuzeni ve ana destekçisi olan Temsilciler Meclisi Başkanı Martin Romualdez’in müttefiklerinin egemen olduğu Temsilciler Meclisi tarafından incelenecektir.
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Activists say daughter of former president spent $2m in 11 days, cooking the books to cover up ‘suspicious’ spending.
Activists in the Philippines have lodged a new impeachment complaint against Vice President Sara Duterte.
At least 74 left-wing complainants, including human rights and labour leaders, asked the country’s House of Representatives on Wednesday to unseat Duterte over the alleged misuse of government funds.
The request follows an impeachment motion filed earlier this week that focused on a recent public threat against the president. The incident has brought a power struggle between the pair’s powerful political clans to light.
Wednesday’s motion was over a “betrayal of public trust” concerning the misappropriation of 612.5 million pesos ($10.3m) in so-called “confidential funds”, and demanded that Duterte be permanently barred from office.
The complaint against the 46-year-old lawyer, daughter of former President Rodrigo Duterte, is the second in as many days.
On Monday, civil society and religious leaders submitted a case covering 24 alleged crimes and irregularities involving corruption and misconduct.
The complaints included the death threat that Duterte made against President Ferdinand Marcos Jr at a news conference last month, which is currently being probed by government investigators.
It also addressed her alleged role in her father’s brutal crackdown on illegal drugs while he was in office, which is under investigation by the International Criminal Court.
‘Antidote to impunity’
Duterte swept to power in 2022 in an alliance with Marcos but that has spectacularly collapsed in the leadup to elections in May, with their powerful families clashing.
Duterte has said that her instruction to have her estranged ally killed, which she revealed in late November, was not a plot to kill him but only meant to be triggered if any potential plot to assassinate her should be successful.
On Friday, Marcos drew criticism for warning that any impeachment complaint against his estranged vice president would only distract Congress and not help people.
In Wednesday’s complaint, activists said the vice president’s office spent 125 million pesos ($2m) over a period of 11 days during the Christmas holidays on suspicious expenditures, including renting “safe houses” and paying for unspecified confidential information.
House Secretary General, Reginald Velasco, left, receives a second impeachment complaint filed against Philippine Vice President Sara Duterte at the House of Representatives in Quezon City, the Philippines, on December 4, 2024 [Aaron Favila/AP Photo]
The vice president, they alleged, had tried to cover up the misuse of public funds by submitting fabricated reports, receipts and documents and deliberately obstructing a congressional investigation.
“The impeachment is the antidote to impunity,” said Renato Reyes of Bayan, a left-wing political coalition. “Citizens and taxpayers need to hold public officials accountable.”
The impeachment complaints will be examined by the House of Representatives, which is dominated by allies of Marcos and his cousin and key backer, House Speaker Martin Romualdez – also targeted by Duterte in last month’s death threat – before a potential impeachment trial in the Senate.
Second impeachment motion filed against Philippines VP Duterte | Corruption News
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